
Multidose Monitored Dosage with "Press and Go" Pods

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multimeds-trayMultiMeds™ is the most flexible Monitored Dosage System available anywhere in the world.

It can be used in both 7 Day and 28 Day formats with generic seals or when used in conjunction with CareMeds Dispensing System, with printable seals which carry Patient, Meds and Meds round information.

Unlike traditional MDS systems, MultiMeds™ is a multi-dose solution that carries all the blistered medications in one pod.



So what’s different about that?

The difference is, each pod is removable complete with its individual seal. Each pod is dedicated to a particular Med round, and eliminated the need for carer to search through racks looking for other medications due for the resident.

Each tray has a card lid attached. This is a significant advantage over another system known as Biodose. Pharmacist and Carers alike benefit from the mandatory labeling information as required by The Human Medicines Regulations 2012, in addition to not only colour photos of residents, but also the medications contained within each pod. The lid also carries Dispensing Pharmacy details, the start date of the tray and importantly any patient allergies that a carer needs to be aware of.

For Your Pharmacy

Stand Out in the Crowd

In this ever increasing competitive market, pharmacy owners need every possible competitive advantage they can leverage to ensure their business propsers.

MultiMeds™ offers such an advantage. 

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For Your Carehome

Safe and Simple Drug Rounds

Medication rounds made easy, that’s the best way to describe MultiMeds. Each MultiMeds Pod contains the resident’s solid oral medication for that med round

MultiMeds™ safe, simple and efficient.

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For the Community

Do you have a complex Medication Regime?

Simplify your day with MultiMeds™ Speak to your Pharmacist today, ask for your medications to be supplied in our easy to use system

MultiMeds™ the Press and Go pod system

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